शनिवार, 13 मई 2017

Current and Gk question for SSC MTS - 2017

1. Vultures are found to be living in every part of world, except ?

a. Australia & Antartica

b. China & Honkong

c. Afghanistan & Sri lanka

d. Poland & France

2. This Year, Earth Hour was observed on ____ month ?

a. 26 April

b. 7 May

c. 25 March

d. 16 March

3. An Adult Common Housefly's Lifespan is around ____ days in summer ?

a. 14 days

b. 21 days

c. 7 days

d. 13 days

4. "Vesak day" related to which religious ?

a. Jainism 

b. Buddhism

c. Sikhism

D. Hinduism

5. The Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Pariyojna (RMSA) launched in ?

a. 2014

b. 2012

c. 2016

d. 2002

6. In which Following  Spacecraft have visited in Mercury ?

a. Juno

b. Skylab

c. Messenger

d. Deep space 1

7. Which country won the 2016 Asian Men's Hockey's Champion Trophy ?

a. Pakistan

b. Russia

C. Australia

d. India

8. Which European country Share its border with seven counties ?

a. Spain

b. Greece

C. France

d. Poland

9. The Pandava prince, Bhima Found employment as a cook in king_____ Kitchen ?

a. King Suyodhana

b. King Virata

c. King Dhananjaya

d. King Bimbsar 

10. What is name of the Youngest President of France ?

a. Malcolm Turnbull

b. Emmanuel Macron 

c. Marine Le Pen

d. Justin Trudeau

2 टिप्‍पणियां: