शुक्रवार, 27 अक्टूबर 2017

HSSC,HTET & PGT Computer Teacher's Exam Question 2017 Part- 5th

1. The text and images which appear in the browser window are written between the___tag?
a. <TITLE>
b. <HEAD>
c. <BODY>
d. <HTML>

2. Which of the following tag is used to make take appear slightly above the baseline (A3 + b3) ?
a. <SUB>
b. <BIG>
c. <B>
d. <SUP>

3. Which of the following statement is incorrect for HTML ?
a. HTML is case sensitive.
b. An HTML document is written in text editors like notepad.
c. A tag giving a specific instruction is enclosed in <> angle bracket.
d. The title of a web page can contain up to 64 characters.

4. The HTML tag for the largest heading is ?
a. <HEAD>
b. <H6>
c. <H1>
d. None of these

5.  The default color of  ALINK attributes is __?
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Green
d. Black

6. Which element contain ON Tags <> but d'not have OFF tags
a. <TITLE>
b. <BR>
c. <BODY>
d. <HEAD>

7. Which sequence of HTML tags is correct ?

8. By default ordered list <li> start with __?
a. A
b. 0
c. a
d. 1

9. Which is the correct code to link one HTML page with another HTML page ?
c. <A HREF = "ROIT.HTML"></A>
d. <A LINK = "IMAGE"></A>

10. When one Page is linked to another website, it is called___linking ?
a. Mail linking
b. Internal Linking
c. External Linking
d. Data Linking

1 टिप्पणी:

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