सोमवार, 23 अक्टूबर 2017

Important Question for PGT Computer Science Exam 2017 Part-1st

 When developed WWW(world wide web) ?
a. 2001
b. 1995
c. 1990
d. 1991

2. Full form TCP ?
a. Transfer Coordinate  Program
b. Transmission Care Protocol
c. Temporary Compact Position
d. Transmission Control Protocol

3. A Web page is written using ?
a. Java
b. C++
d. Excel

4. A domain name cannot contain more than ___characters
a. 70
b. 68
c. 64
d. 66

5. ___ is the only special character allowed in the domain name ?
a. $
b. @
c. -
d. #

6.  The domain extension used for business ?
a. .biz
b. .bis
c. .bzs
d. .net

7. www.ebay.in is an example of ?
a. E-banking
b. E-learning
c. E-shopping
d. E-reservation

8. What is full form of POP ?
a. Post Office Protocol
b. Post Office Program
c. Post Office Provider
d. Pre office Protocol

9. In .docx file extension (X) mean ?
c. XML

10. Every HTML document must begin and end with __tag ?
a. <BODY>
b. <HEAD>
c. <TITLE>
d. <HTML>

11. In (https) , S mean ?
a. Source
b. Service
c. System
d. Secure

12. XML stands for ___ Markup language ?
a. Expensive
b. Extendable
c. Extensible
d. Expandable

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