मंगलवार, 31 अक्टूबर 2017

HTET CBT Level 3(Computer Teacher) _ 18th June 2016 (2:00 PM - 4:30 PM) Answers of Computer Question

1. ____ is not applying in paragraph formatting ?
a. Font style
b. Indent
c. Justify
d. Line Space

2. ____one entry control loop ?
a. For
b. If-then
c. Do while
d. Case

3. Slide show can be stopped by pressing ____key ?
a. Escape
b. Left arrow
c. Right arrow
d. Down arrow

4. The symbol ? : show ___ operator ?
a. Arithmetic
b. Logical
c. Relational
d. conditional

5. Transmission medium is used in LAN  is____.
a. Microwave
b. Co-axial cable
c. Sate light
d. Optical Fiber

6. Which is not work of operating system ?
a. File manager
b. memory management
c. Disk management
d.Virus protection 

7. A constructor with no argument is ?
a. Copy
c. Parametric
d. All of these

8.  __Attribute tells the URL of the document that you want to link to?
a. href
b. src
c. a
d. img 

9. Processing of all element in the array one by one ?
a. merging
b. searching
c. insertion
d. traversal

10.  __symbol is used to view the every columns of the table ?
a. *
b. _ _
c. !
d. /

11.  In MS Word, what is shortcut for 'Goto' command ?
a. F4
b. F2
c. F5
d. F3

12. The wrapping up of data and functions into a single unit is called
(a)   Encapsulation 
(b)  Abstraction
(c)   Data Hiding                                    
(d)  Polymorphism  

13.  Which generation computer fully based on artificial intelligence ?

a. 2nd   
b. 4th   
c. 5th   
d. 3rd

14. Example of full duplex system ?
a. Monitor
b. Telephone
c. Keyboard
d. Walkie talkie

15. Interlinking means linking ?
a. Same image
b. Same document
c. Different document
d.All option are wrong

16. HTTP is combination of FTP and ____?
a. Email
b. Web page
c. Web Browser

17. ____ universal gate ?
b. AND
c. XOR
d. NAND or NOR 
note - NOR gate is a logic gate which gives a positive output only when both inputs are negative. Like NAND gates, NOR gates are so-called universal gates.

18.___ The data type tells the set of empty values?
a. Float
b. Double
c. Char
d. Void

 HTET- PGT (कंप्यूटर टीचर) का 18 जून 2016  का Exam Complete  देखने के लिए यह क्लिक करे -  Click me 

HTET- PGT (कंप्यूटर टीचर) की 18 जून 2016 की  Answer Key  देखने के लिए यह क्लिक करे- Click me


शुक्रवार, 27 अक्टूबर 2017

HSSC, HTET & PGT Computer teacher's exam question 2017 (HTML) Part - 5th

HSSC,HTET & PGT Computer Teacher's Exam Question 2017 Part- 5th

1. The text and images which appear in the browser window are written between the___tag?
a. <TITLE>
b. <HEAD>
c. <BODY>
d. <HTML>

2. Which of the following tag is used to make take appear slightly above the baseline (A3 + b3) ?
a. <SUB>
b. <BIG>
c. <B>
d. <SUP>

3. Which of the following statement is incorrect for HTML ?
a. HTML is case sensitive.
b. An HTML document is written in text editors like notepad.
c. A tag giving a specific instruction is enclosed in <> angle bracket.
d. The title of a web page can contain up to 64 characters.

4. The HTML tag for the largest heading is ?
a. <HEAD>
b. <H6>
c. <H1>
d. None of these

5.  The default color of  ALINK attributes is __?
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Green
d. Black

6. Which element contain ON Tags <> but d'not have OFF tags
a. <TITLE>
b. <BR>
c. <BODY>
d. <HEAD>

7. Which sequence of HTML tags is correct ?

8. By default ordered list <li> start with __?
a. A
b. 0
c. a
d. 1

9. Which is the correct code to link one HTML page with another HTML page ?
c. <A HREF = "ROIT.HTML"></A>
d. <A LINK = "IMAGE"></A>

10. When one Page is linked to another website, it is called___linking ?
a. Mail linking
b. Internal Linking
c. External Linking
d. Data Linking

HTET, PGT COMPUTER TEACHER''s Exam Question 2017 Part - 4th

गुरुवार, 26 अक्टूबर 2017

HTET & PGT Computer Teacher's Exam Question 2017 Part- 4th

1. Name the database management System from MS Office suite ?
a. Microsoft access
b. MS-Fox Pro
c. Oracle
d. MS- File Maker

2. Which process arranges the data in a proper sequence ?
a. Data Sorting
b. Data Summarizing
c. Data Redundancy
d. Data Storing

3. Name the term which is used to get the Synopsis of data on the basis of some criteria.
a. Data Sorting
b. Data Summarizing
c. Data Redundancy
d. Data Storing

4. Which key is used to uniquely identify each record in a database table ?
a. Secondary key 
b. Primary key
c. Temporary key
d. None of these

5. What is the extension of the database file in MS Office Access ?
a. .accdb
b. .xdx
c. .docx
d. .adbbc

6. Which type of database stores all the data in a single table ?
a. MS Excel
b. Oracle
d. MS Access

7. Which type of database are example of Relational Database ?
a. MS Excel
b. Fox Pro
c. MS Access
d. All of these

8. Student_ID     First Name       Last Name     Course_ID
         01             Ram            Sharma         C002
         02             Rajan          Kumar          P003
         03             Kamal          Sinha          C002

Identify the Primary key of the table.
a. Student_ID
b. Fist Name
c. Course_ID
d. Last_Name

9. Which type of key used in this diagram at the place of(?) ?
a. Candidate key
b. Primary Key
c. Secondary key
d. Foreign key

10.  Positive and negative integers occupies ____bytes in the memory ?
a. 1 bytes
b. 2 bytes
c. 4 bytes
d. 16 bytes 

मंगलवार, 24 अक्टूबर 2017

HSSC & PGT Computer Teacher's Exam 2017 Part - 3rd

Operating System - It acts as an interface between the user and the computer.

Example -  operating system is just like a principal of  a school. A principal has various responsibilities regarding managing the school like supervising students,teacher and workers, and maintaining disciple, meeting parents and visitors. Similarly if the operating system is not working in a computer, it will not be able to perform any operation.

Commonly use operating system - Windows, UNIX, LINUX, BOSS, MOBILE OPERATING SYSTEM and  IOS. 


Category 1. Hard Disk Drives

[C]: [D]: & [E]  different partition of hard disk drive

Local Disk (C:) - it is used to load the operating system in memory.

Local Disk (D:)
                          - D: & E: drives used as other partitions for storing data and other information.
Local Disk (E:)

Category 2. Devices with Removable Storage 

DVD RW Drive (F:) - This is used to read/write data on a CD ROM using the CD- Drive.

Removable Disk (G:) - This device is used to read/write data on a pen drive/flash drive.

1. The shortcut key combination to open the search dialog box is ?
a. Ctrl+S
b. Alt+F
c. Ctrl+Fn
d. Ctrl+F 

2. The shortcut key combination to permanently delete a file/folder ?
a. Ctrl+Del
b. Alt+Del
c. Shift+Del
d. Alt+Shift+Del

3. Which system software act as an interface between hardware and user ?
a. MS Word
b. MS Excel
c. MS PowerPoint
d. Operating System

4. On which bar start button is located ?
a. Menu bar
b. Status bar
c. Task bar
d. Standard bar

5.  Which of the following is not a window Accessories ?
a. Paint
b. Calculator
c. MS Office
d. Word Pad

6. The shortcut key to rename file/folder ?
a. F5
b. F10
c. F2
d. F6

7. Full form of BOSS ?
a. Bharat Operating System Solution
b. Business Operating Service System 
c. Big Open Set Support
d. None of these

8. The word Application open a new document with the temporary name ?
a. Document
b. Book
c. Document1
d. Book1

9. The larger window of MS word program is ___window ?
a. Application
b. Document
c. Program
d. None of these

10. Where do you type the text in the Document window ?
a. Status Bar
b. Ribbon
c. Work Area
d. Title Bar

11. What is the file extension of the word document ?
a. .docw 
b. .docx
c. .dow
d. .docu

12. Which key combination is used to close the word document ?
a. Ctrl+M
b. Ctrl+W
c. Ctrl+C
d. Ctrl+Q


PGT & HSSC Computer Teacher's Exam Question 2017 Part- 2nd

PGT & HSSC Computer Teacher's Exam Question 2017 Part- 2nd

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) - The uniform resource Locator denotes the global address of the web documents and the web resource. 

Example of URL - http://www.wikipedia.com

1. Protocol - This is the first part of the web address.
example - http://(Hypertext Transfer Protocol), ftp:// (file transfer protocol) and mailto://(e-mail protocol).

2. Host - second part of the web address is a host. The host normally start with "www", which indicate world wide web. If the web address is an "Intranet" it will not begin with www because it is internal website.

3. Extension - All the domain extension are monitored and regulated by the internet corporation for assigned name and number (ICANN) . example- .gov, .info, .org, .edu etc.

1. What is full form of ISP ?
a. Internet server provider
b. Internet service protocol
c. Internet service provider
d. none of these

2. Which is not an ISP in INDIA ?
b. Airtel
d. Infosys

3. ____is the unique address of every computer that is connected to the internet ?
a. TCP address
b. Protocol
c. Operating System
d. IP address 

4. All the domain extension are monitored and regulated by ?
c. WWW
d. TCP

5. The IP address consist of unique number set which is provided to each computer by ?
c. W3C
NOTE- IP address is 32bit numeric address, containing a set of 4 number which vary 0 to 255.

example -

6. Who developed www ?
a. Tim Berners lee
b. Sergey Brin
c. William Bill
d. Chris Hughes

Important Question for PGT Computer Science Exam 2017 Part-1st

सोमवार, 23 अक्टूबर 2017

Important Question for PGT Computer Science Exam 2017 Part-1st

 When developed WWW(world wide web) ?
a. 2001
b. 1995
c. 1990
d. 1991

2. Full form TCP ?
a. Transfer Coordinate  Program
b. Transmission Care Protocol
c. Temporary Compact Position
d. Transmission Control Protocol

3. A Web page is written using ?
a. Java
b. C++
d. Excel

4. A domain name cannot contain more than ___characters
a. 70
b. 68
c. 64
d. 66

5. ___ is the only special character allowed in the domain name ?
a. $
b. @
c. -
d. #

6.  The domain extension used for business ?
a. .biz
b. .bis
c. .bzs
d. .net

7. www.ebay.in is an example of ?
a. E-banking
b. E-learning
c. E-shopping
d. E-reservation

8. What is full form of POP ?
a. Post Office Protocol
b. Post Office Program
c. Post Office Provider
d. Pre office Protocol

9. In .docx file extension (X) mean ?
c. XML

10. Every HTML document must begin and end with __tag ?
a. <BODY>
b. <HEAD>
c. <TITLE>
d. <HTML>

11. In (https) , S mean ?
a. Source
b. Service
c. System
d. Secure

12. XML stands for ___ Markup language ?
a. Expensive
b. Extendable
c. Extensible
d. Expandable

शनिवार, 14 अक्टूबर 2017

New Governor Appointed by President Ram Nath Kovind of Various State of India 2017

           CM -  Nitish Kumar 
     Governor -  Satpal Malik

Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  Lieutenant Governor - Devendra Kumar Joshi


                                            Governor - Ganga Malik
                  CM - Mukul Sangma

                                               Governor - Jagdish Mukhi                      CM - Sarbananda Sonowal

Arunachal Pradesh
               CM - Pema Khandu
                      Governor - B. D. Mishra

Tamil Nadu 
             CM - Edappadi K Palaniswami
       Governor - Banwarilal Purohit

बुधवार, 11 अक्टूबर 2017

Mock test Current affair Question for chandigarh police exam October 2017 in hindi

1. Film and Television Institute of India(FTII) का अध्यक्ष किसे घोषित किया गया है ?
a. गजेंदर चौहान
b. अमोल परिकर
c. अनुपम खेर
d. शबाना आज़मी  

2. SBI का नई चेयरमैन किसे नियुक्त किया गया है ?
a. रजनीश कुमार
b. निशा डिसिल्वा
c. देविंदर भाटिया
d. इनमे से कोई नहीं 

3. पाकिस्तान क्रिकेट बोर्ड ने PSL के दौरान स्पॉट फिक्सिंग में शामिल होने के कारन किस बल्लेबाज में प्रतिबंध लगाया है ?
a. फहीम अशरफ
b. फखर ज़मान
c. खालिद लतीफ़
d. शदब खान

4. वर्तमान में पंजाब हरियाणा हाई कोर्ट में कार्यरत न्यायधिशो की संख्या कितनी है ?
a. 51
b. 49
c. 50
d. 55

5. जापानी मूल के इशिगुरो को किस बुक के लिए साहित्य का नोबल पुरस्कार मिला है ?
a. The Sellout
b. "I Do What I Do"
c. The Remains of the Day

d. Three Man in a Boat

6. इनमे से कौन सा अमेरिका में आने वाले तूफान का नाम है ?
a. नेट
b. हार्वे
c. इरमा
d. यह सभी 

7. अर्थशास्त्र का नोबल पुरुस्कार किसे मिला है ?
a. रिचर्ड थेलर
b. Bob Dylan
c. Svetlana Alexievich
d. रिचर्ड हेंडर्सन 

8. शांति का नोबल पुरस्कार किसे मिला है ?

9. सिक्किम के मुख्यमंत्री कौन है ?
a. पवन कुमार चामलिंगम
b. मुकुल संगमा
c. लाल थनहवला
d. श्री नोंग्थोमबम बिरेन सिंह 

10. International Day of the Girl Child 2017 कब मनाया  जाता है ?

a. 10 Oct
b. 09 Oct
c. 12 Oct
d. 11 Oct

बुधवार, 4 अक्टूबर 2017

30 Question Mock Test for Chandigarh Police exam 2017

1. FIFA U-17 World Cup football 2017 में किस जानवर का (Mascot) शुभंकर बनाया गया है ?
a. Tiger
b. Lion
c. leopard
d. Cheetah

2. यदि आप 1 से 100 तक सभी संख्याए लिखते है ,तो आप कितनी बार 3 लिखते है ?
a. 18
b. 11 
c. 21
d. 20

3. साधारण भेज पर एक राशि 5 वर्षो में दोगुनी हो जाती है, वह राशि अपने से 4 गुनी कब  होगी ?

a. 10
b. 12
c. 15
d. 20

4.   (0.96)^3 -(0.1)^3
    (0.96)^2 + 0.096 +(0.1)^2           
  Note - ^ - Power  
a. 1.06
b. 0.95
c. 0.86
d. 0.97

5. International Court में न्यायधिशो का कार्यकाल कितने साल का होता है ?
a. 5 years
b. 6 years
c. 8 years
d. 9 years

6. यदि 782 रूपीस को तीन बाघों में 1/2 : 2/3 : 3/4  के समानुपात में विबाजहित किया जाता है, तो पहला भाग क्या है ?
a. 190
b. 220
c. 204
d. none of these

7. किस धातु का प्रतिरोध (Resistance) न्यूनतम (least)  होता है ?
a. Gold
b. Silver
c. Copper
d. Aluminum

8. रक्त वाहिका (Blood vessels) जो अंग(Organ) से ह्रदय(heart) को रकत का परिवहन करती है ? 
a. Artery (धमनी)
b. Vein (शिरा)
c. Both
d. none of these

9. 6^m = 46656, then value of  6^m-2 ? 

Note- ^- means - power
a. 7776
b. 7782
c. 1296
d. 1290

10. R.B.I की स्थापना कब हुई थी ?
a. 1949
b. 1947
c. 1935
d. 1950

11.  Laughing gas क्या नाम क्या है ?
a. Nitrous oxide
b. Nitric Oxide
c. Nitrogen trioxide
d. Nitrogen dioxide

12. यदि C = 3 or CAT = 24  तो FAULT क्या है ?
a. 60
b. 57
c. 64
d. 72

13. US Open Tennis 2017: पुरुष Final Winner कौन था ?
a. Rafael Nadal
b. Roger Federer
c. Andy Murray
d. Stan Wawarinka

14. वर्तमान में बिहार के राज्यपाल कौन है ?
a. जगदीश मुखी
b. बीड़ी मिश्रा
c. सतपाल मालिक
d. गंगा प्रसाद

15. इनमे से किस प्रसिद्ध स्थल को सबसे साफ़ जगह करार दिया गया है ?
a. मीनाक्षी मंदिर
b. लाल किला
c. हरमन्दिर साहिब
d. अजमेर शरीफ दरगाह

16. सिंगापुर की पहली महिला राष्ट्रपति किसे बनाया गया है ?
a. हलीमा याकूब
b. खालिदा जिअ
c. माया पर्नासमिलका प्लानिंक
d. Vanessa

17. निम्नलिखित में से किस राज्य में मधुबनी चित्रकला प्रसिद्ध है ?
a. राजस्थान
b. झारखण्ड
c. बिहार
d. उत्तर प्रदेश

18. ध्यानचंद पुरस्कार (2017) जीतने वाली  महिला सुमराई टेटे किस राज्य से सम्बंधित है ?
a. मणिपुर
b. त्रिपुरा
c. झारखंड
d. वेस्ट बंगाल

19. किसकी अनुमति से अंग्रेजो ने अपना पहला कारखाना सूरत में लगाया था ?
a. अकबर
b. जहांगीर
c. औरंगजेब
d. शाहजहां

20. सुब्रोतो कप ___ से सम्बंधित है ?
a. बैडमिंटन
b. क्रिकेट
c. चैस
d. फूटबाल

21. सर्वोच्च शांतिपूर्ण शौर्य वीरता पुरस्कार है ?
a. अशोक चक्र
b. परमवीर चक्र
c. कीर्ति चक्र
d. वीर चक्र

22. दास वंश के पहले शासक कौन है ?
a. कुतुबुदीन ाबेक
b. इल्तुमिश
c. सुल्तान महमूद
d. बलबन

23. सतपुरा और विधाचल पर्वत के बीच से कौन सी नदी बहती है ?
a. नर्मदा
b. गोदावरी
c. ताप्ती
d. यमुना

24. If A + B =  2C and C + D =  2A, then 
a. A + C = B + D
b. A + C = 2D
C. A+D = B + C
D. A + C = 2B

25.  NITI आयोग का वर्तमान अध्यक्ष कौन है ?
a. राजीव कुमार
b. अरविन्द पनगड़िया
c. राम नाथ कोविंद
d. नरेंदर मोदी 

26. वह  बड़ी संख्या , जिससे 122 और 243 को वहीभाजित करने पर क्रमश रिमाइंडर 2 और 3 बचते है ?
a. 12
b. 24
c. 30
d. 120

27. किसी निश्चित मात्रा के दूध और 25 लीटर पानी के मिश्रण का मूल्य 2 Rupees/लीटर  है , यदि शुद्ध दूध का मूल्य 12 rupees/ लीटर है तो मिश्रण में कितना दूध है ?
a. 5 ltr
b. 7 ltr
c. 6 ltr
d. 4 ltr

28. 19, 2, 38, 3, 114, 4,  ____
a. 228
b. 256
c. 352
d. 456

29.इनमे सी कौन सी कम्पनी  Chandigarh आईटी पार्क में है ?
a. TCS
b. google
c. Infosys
d. All of these

30. Who is the founder of Wikipedia?
a. Jimmy Wales
b. Dennis Ritchie
c. Paul Buchheit
d. Bjarne Stroustrup